To entertain Sorenne today, we stopped by the Hallmark store at the Manhattan Mall. In addition to her favorite Webkinz, we found miniature (living) frogs in little glass cubes. Sorenne was fascinated with what she called, “fish.”
Accompanying the display was a clearly posted warning about handling reptiles. Although frogs are amphibians, I was delighted to see the information. I asked the store staff if I could take a picture. They were taken aback by the request but didn’t mind. The poster from the CDC highlights what Doug has often said in the past: “Do not nuzzle or kiss your pet reptile.” Other tips include:
- Always wash your hands thoroughly after you handle your pet reptile, its food and anything it has touched.
- Keep your pet reptile in a habitat designed for it; don’t let it roam around the home.
- Keep your pet reptile and its equipment out of the kitchen or any area where food is prepared.
- Keep reptiles out of homes where there are children under 1 year of age or people with weakened immune systems. Children under 5 should handle reptiles only with adult/parental guidance. And, they should always remember to wash their hands afterwards.
We didn’t buy a frog today, but I’m sure that request will come in time.